Innovation + Integration

Its what we do. Integration is a process learned by experience. It is a discipline not a mystery. It extends beyond the technical. We wrote a manual on it.  With TVP we’ve defined a process for onboarding it quickly and getting your project airborne without wasted effort.

It begins with a conversation.


what we build, flies.

Thrust vectoring for propeller driven craft (TVP) is the missing piece to aerial utility with significant social benefit. It can reduce emissions in piloted aircraft and transform the capabilities of UAVs.

TVP was invented out of necessity, the need to fly high-performance vehicles in adverse conditions. To demote vehicle inertia in the control equation.

Aerofex has developed aero technology for the A&D and commercial sectors, both certified and experimental. Our work in air-freight led to an international product line, a spinoff, and our first exit. A second satellite tracking technology was developed and sold shortly thereafter.

We invented the world's first flying motorcycle. Introduced in 2011, its videos went viral, it appeared in a Super Bowl commercial, and it changed the narrative around personal flight
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We have integrated complex payloads into many of our nation's most valued space assets.
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We worked to integrate a high-power laser into a 747. It went on to become the first airborne directed-energy system to destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
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We helped to integrate and convert C-130s into water-tankers for aerial wildfire suppression.
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We have developed systems to eliminate drift and reduce the impact of agriculture on local communities and the environment.
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We have developed and flown manned and large unmanned ducted propeller aircraft with 200 to 1,250 lbs-thrust.
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We've developed thrust vectoring for propeller driven craft and are working to deploy it across a broad spectrum of craft to enhance performance and efficiency
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Aerofex has been awarded by the US Government and the media, granted over a dozen patents, and wrote a handbook on our processes.
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Integrate thrust vectoring into your offering

It begins with a conversation